Thursday 24 November 2011

Things I've discovered at silly o clock...

1) An hour on the phone passes less time than an hour pattern cutting. A fabric minute is a thing on its own. Like a New York minute, it takes up time.

2) Darts don't always make sense. I've seen some strange things in my time on Gods green & pleasant, but the shape of darts on 1950s dress patterns really take the biscuit.

3) Yes, I have successfully made a dress after draping a bodice! It is now a fully functioning garment in sickly pink, emblazoned with Barbies! And I shall wear it with pride.

4) Another success, I can do a beautiful french seam! The only difficulty? Sewing the w/s to w/s seam, turning it inside out and...where the *#@& did my seam go? I found it, eventually.

More to follow, as well as photos of my supereventasaurus night!

Glitter and (sleepy) Kittens,

Stellar xx

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Bathing Suit.


Today has and is a day for cutting out the fabulous red fabric for my Victorian bathing costume. Working with no seam allowance on the patterns has been, interesting, to say the least. Especially when I forget what measurements I'm using half way round. (After I've moved the pattern piece.) But hopefully, it will all work out in the end!

The one to the right is what its supposed to resemble when its done...


Also getting looked at is how I'm going to decorate my miniature costume in Embellishment. The theme for mine is traditional turkish costume, involving lots and lots of gold. Particularly embroidery. Shiny shiny!

Here's hoping mine will end up just as beautiful!

Glitter and Kittens,

Stellar x

Monday 21 November 2011

CCAD updates.

So then Mr Internet..

I know I only started this blog today, but I feel I should share some of the snazzy things I've been up to since I moved to this green and pleasant (dull and grimey) land.

The course itself is split into two; Cut and Construction and Embellishment. In C & C we are recreating victorian bathing suits, in red, white and blue. Very patriotic! Embellishment is focused this term on a miniature of a historical/cultural costume. For this I am creating a traditional turkish womans ensemble; vassssssssttttttttt trousers, a chemise/vest, and embroidered jacket!

Outside of the course, I have also been stocking up for a craft fair in ye olde Hartlepool town(e). Yes, Needle Noir has its very first outing. *insert sales pitch here*  BUY ME BUY ME BUY ME. Okay, not me. But something lovely and pretty from NN.!/event.php?eid=255951461117589

Glitter and Kittens,

Stellar x


Yes, another bit of webspace has been taken over by yours truly. This one for a practical purpose, as I shall be charting my progress! through costume @ CCAD.
And all other bits of artsy chat :)

Glitter and Kittens,

Stellar xx