Monday 21 November 2011

CCAD updates.

So then Mr Internet..

I know I only started this blog today, but I feel I should share some of the snazzy things I've been up to since I moved to this green and pleasant (dull and grimey) land.

The course itself is split into two; Cut and Construction and Embellishment. In C & C we are recreating victorian bathing suits, in red, white and blue. Very patriotic! Embellishment is focused this term on a miniature of a historical/cultural costume. For this I am creating a traditional turkish womans ensemble; vassssssssttttttttt trousers, a chemise/vest, and embroidered jacket!

Outside of the course, I have also been stocking up for a craft fair in ye olde Hartlepool town(e). Yes, Needle Noir has its very first outing. *insert sales pitch here*  BUY ME BUY ME BUY ME. Okay, not me. But something lovely and pretty from NN.!/event.php?eid=255951461117589

Glitter and Kittens,

Stellar x

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